"We shall not cease from Exploration; the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." - T.S.Eliot

About imageAbout imageAbout image
Matthew Marriott is a British and Irish Adventurer, Researcher, Geographer, Physicist, Data Science/Artificial Intelligence/Tech expert, and Financial Services professional. Prior to that he worked in the Travel Industry, the City, and has lived in Cairo, Egypt and Australia. His travels have taken him to dozens of countries, and his focus is on gaining a holistic understanding of the culture and place he engages with, or 'holistic travel'.

He has walked across Rainforests (Australia & Indian Ocean), Deserts (Moroccan Sahara & Tabernas Desert, Spain), Mountain ranges and speaks several modern languages, including German, French, Spanish, Arabic (MSA, ECA, Levantine), Berber dialects and intermediate Russian. He also has knowledge of ancient languages including Assyrian, Cuneiform, Runes, Ancient Egyptian, Latin and Ancient Greek.

In 2024, he founded World Exploration Data Science (WEDS), to further exploratory discoveries through the use of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - visit www.worldexplorationdatascience.com to find out more.

Matthew is an elected Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, and a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society. He is also a member of the Challenger Society for Marine Research, Globetrotter's Club, Australian Geographic Society and the T. E. Lawrence Society.

As an aspiring travel photographer, he has had his work offered for Editorial through Shutterstock, and been a Contributor for National Geographic on Your Shot.

Financial Services image
Matthew works hard, and explores hard. With a career in Financial Services, working in Surrey, the City - London, the Midlands, and around the UK. Matthew's passion outside of work is in Exploration, Travel and Adventure. Matthew is able to combine the two with carefully timed annual leave, and potentially an upcoming sabbatical for another large Expedition or Grand Adventure in the coming year/s.He along with colleagues has been shortlisted for 4 National Awards in Artifical Intelligence.

Traveller image
Matthew Marriott has lived in Australia, and Egypt (pictured here in a Cafe in Cairo), experiencing full imersion with these places.

Allianz, Strategy & Experience "Best Leader" Nominee 2022

Voted for by colleagues


Voted for by colleagues at the World's largest Financial Services/Insurance Company.

Watts Gallery "Make Festival" Digital Art Competition Winner

Prestigious Gallery


Voted and selected by Judges.

1st Class Awarded for Dissertation by the Department of Physics, University of York. 2007

Prestigious Academic Recognition.


Awarded by Academics of the Department of Physics, University of York. 2007

Insurance Post

Shortlisted for Technology Innovation of the Year, Insurance Post 2023

Insurance Times

Insurance Times Awards 2023 Shortlist

Allianz UK Star Awards 2023

Recognition for our multi-million pound Machine Learning (AI) project


Best in Digital & Data Science Shortlist

Royal Geographical Society Speaker: Christmas Island Lecture, February 2020. A Bulletin-listed talk

"An illuminated talk" - Dave Lovell, Chair of Royal Geographical Society South Region, 2020

Royal Geographical Society Speaker: Christmas Island Lecture, February 2020. A Bulletin-listed talk

"Thank you so much for revealing the Island to us, we are going to book a trip there as soon as we can" - Royal Geographical Society members in the audience, 2020

Podcast Show: Whiskey and a Map: Stories of Adventure and Exploration as told by those who lived them

Whiskey and a Map is a podcast hosted by Adventure Photographer Michael J. Reinhart, featuring stories of Adventure and Exploration as told by those who lived them. I talk to Michael about past travel journeys, expeditions and the future of exploration. A Top 50 Places & Travel Podcast on Apple Podcasts in the USA and has a global audience with listeners all over the world. Visit the website AdventureandExplorationPodcast.com or your favourite Podcast platform/app (Spotify, Audible, Apple)

  • Flora, Fauna & Desertification in the Tabernas Desert, Walking Europe's only Desert - the Tabernas Desert, Andalucia, Spain Independent fieldwork, 2022

  • Indian Ocean Island Expedition: physical, human geography and geopolitics of the Island; discussion with Australian Governor for the Indian Ocean Islands Independent fieldwork shared with RGS-IBG, 2019

  • Atlas Mountains Human Geography Expedition - hiking across this incredible range including Mount Toubkal ascent, immersion in Berber villages, photographic documentation, documenting spoken Berber dialects, and witnessing the highest inhabited village in North Africa, Taschdirte, with a local guide and muleteers. - High Atlas Mountain range, Morocco Independent fieldwork, 2017

  • Transect of Sahara Desert from Eastern Morocco to the Algerian Border on Camel - Moroccan Sahara, Morocco Desert Expedition, 2017.

  • Walked across the Queensland tropical rainforest area, documenting the Cassowary, learning about the Djiru Aboriginal people and language, which is listed as a WWF Global 200 ecoregion - Queensland, Australia, Oceania

  • Mapped the Libyan War with the UN OCHA utilising Crisis Maps Libya, 2011

  • Egyptology research, Cairo, Egypt 2010

  • Human Geography, Cultural Migration, Linguistics, Education at British Council, Cairo - Cairo, Egypt 2010

  • Long-distance Walks in England (South West Coast Path, St Swithun's Way, Pilgrim's Way, Saints Way, Bodmin Way, Dartmoor, Brecon Beacons, Peak District, North Downs Way, Yorkshire Dales) Ongoing
  • Long-distance Walks in Europe Finland, Denmark, Provence (France), Andalucia (Spain), Camino de Santiago (Camino Ingles)
  • Long-distance Walks in Africa Egypt, Morocco
  • Long-distance Walks in Asia Hong Kong Trail (China)

Instgram: https://www.instagram.com/matthewmarriott/

Link Tree - all my latest news, lectures, projects: https://linktr.ee/matthewmarriott

Flickr Travel Photographs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/matthewmarriott/

Professional Travel Photography on Shutterstock: https://www.shutterstock.com/g/MatthewMarriottTravelPhotography

Articles and blog: https://matthewmarriott.medium.com/

  • Surrey, England, United Kingdom